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About Us

BeSpeak Solutions for Life, Ministry, Business, & Community

What Does “BeSpeak” mean?

The name BeSpeak, which means “to signal,” or “to ask for in advance,” invites clients to embrace their agency and invest in the possibility of transformation through the power of story. 


What We Do.

BeSpeak helps clients harness the power of language to create healthier, more fulfilling lived experiences.  Individuals and communities that desire to BE healthy must learn to SPEAK language infused with an appreciation for authenticity, reciprocity, and creativity. 

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Read about our most recent work with the North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness


Where is life taking you, your family, or your organization next?  Book your FREE Consultation with Dr. A, and let's figure it out together.

Plot Twist

Our blog Plot Twist provides a monthly reflection on the twists and turns of life.

Latest Blog: "God Had Other Plans"

An usher recognized me immediately, and said, “Follow me.” Before I could respond, she was gone, and the sea of people parted as if she had raised a staff and the breath of God had swept through the sanctuary. I had no choice. Through the crowd I walked until I reached the very place I was determined to avoid. The pastor greeted me with a hug and the kind of smile that bespoke fatigue, compassion, and apology all at once. I know that smile. My colleague pointed to the empty chair next to him. Of course, there was a seat for me. We both serve this family, and we knew what it meant for me not only to be there but to be seen there, up front to support them.

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